Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Shaking Our World Project

Thinking of Shield Volcano.

    A shield volcano is a type of volcano usually built almost entirely of fluid lava flows. Shield volcanoes is called shield volcanoes because of the base, the base is wide and it's like a warrior shield so that's why it's called shield volcano. Shield volcanoes and volcanoes the same but, a shield volcano is under the category under volcano. Shield volcano do a shield volcano is a volcano with shallow-sloping sides. Shield volcanoes normally form from fluid lava flows that can travel long distances across slight inclines, resulting in their relatively flat, broad profile. In contrast, steeply sloped volcanoes better match the popular stereotype of a volcano. Some of the largest volcanoes on Earth are shield volcanoes.


1.  What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
  •  I enjoyed learning about different layers of earth and I know which volcanoes largest.

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
  •  The most challenging part was vocabulary words.

3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
  •   I learned to volcano kind. 

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
  •  I was absent that days :(.

5. What would you change about this project?
  •  Unsure!